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The South Atlantic Shrine Association

The S.A.S.A. Spring Minutes - March 27, 2021

South Atlantic Shrine Association

Donald L. Ratliff

Home:  276-523-6261
SASA Sec/Tres Mobile: 276-393-4944
1812 Ratliff Road Email:
Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219



Minutes of the 48th SASA Annual Meeting

March 27, 2021 - 10:00 a.m.

Kosair Shrine ZOOM Meeting, Louisville, KY



President Ill Sir Dave Juergens (Kosair) called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and established protocol in due form. He welcomed the participants to our SASA Spring Business meeting being conducted via ZOOM due to the COVID-19 restrictions. President Juergens thereupon led the participants in the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance.

SASA Chaplin, Noble Bill Dehn (Kosair) opened the meeting with an invocation, noting circumstances in which we are meeting, while extending a special blessing for the children that are placed in our care.
President Juergens then introduced the SASA Director Generals for 2020-21, Spring Director General Noel Cissel (Kosair), the Fall Director General Noble Rusty Watson (Omar) and the Assistant Fall Director General Steve Clemmons (Omar). He praised their work to make both the Spring and Fall meetings successful.

Spring Director General, Noble Noel Cissel introduced the 2020-2021 SASA officers.
Ill Sir Donald Ratliff, (Kazim) Secretary/Treasurer and SASA Past President (2013-2014)
Ill Sir Len Noble, (Oleika) 5th Vice President
Ill Sir Jason Hinkle (Beni Kedem) 4th Vice President
Ill Sir Thornton Holt, Jr., (Acca) 3rd Vice President
Ill Sir Jim Wilson, (Amran) 2nd Vice President
Ill Sir Ralph Calhoun, (Omar) 1st Vice President
Ill Sir Dave Juergens (Kosair) President

President Juergens introduced Ill Sir Robert Hart, Potentate of Kosair Temple, for his remarks. He expressed his disappointment we could not be with them in Bardstown, Ky but was looking forward to the Beach.
President Juergens then introduced our Imperial Officers who were present: Imperial Sir Larry Leib, Imperial Second Ceremonial Master, Imperial Sir Jim Cain, Past Imperial Potentate and current Imperial Recorder, Imperial Sir Kenny Craven, Imperial Assistant Rabban, Imperial Sir Bill Bailey, Imperial Chief Rabban.  Each spoke briefly as they would be called on later in the meeting to expand on their message.
President Juergens then introduced the Past Presidents who were on the ZOOM meeting.

Ill Sir Charles Lynch (Beni Kedem) 05-06
Ill Sir Ray Fields, (Amran) 07-08
Ill Sir Donald Ratliff (Kazim) 13-14
Ill Sir Eddie Everhart (Kerbela) 14-15
Ill Sir Steve Tucker (Jamil) 16-17

President Juergens then recognized our Secretary/Treasurer, Ill Sir Donnie Ratliff (Kazim), for roll call. Noting we have 7 officers and 4 SASA Past Presidents present. The number beside each Shrine Center represents the number of Representatives present at the meeting.
Alee 11
Alhambra 2
Amran 8
Beni Kedem 8
El Hasa 5
Hejaz 0
Jamil 8
Jericho 10
Kazim 8
Kerbela 9
Khedive 7
Kosair 12
Nemesis 7
Oasis 10
Oleika 7
Omar 7
Rizpah 4
Sudan 3
Yaarab 4

He reported a total of 139 Representatives and 19 temples on the ZOOM link and therefore a quorum was present and to proceed with business as prescribed by our Bylaws.

President Juergens then called on the SASA Secretary/Treasurer, Ill Sir Donnie Ratliff, to read the minutes of the previous meeting. A motion was made and properly seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes and the vote was unanimous.

President Juergens thereupon called on Ill Sir Ratliff to present the finance report for the past year on the SASA accounts, which runs from October 1 through September 30. He reported the data for the checking account reveals a $14,417.30 gain in income and the savings account had an $884.59 gain in income for this time period. We have a combined total of $145,126.41 in both the checking and savings accounts in the two banks. A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the financial report as presented. The vote was unanimous.
Ill Sir Ratliff asked President Juergens if he could proceed with other items that we needed to report to the membership.

Ill Sir Ratliff announced the temples who would be placing names for consideration for 5th Vice President to the Nominating Committee and they are as follows.
Ill Sir Ratliff informed the Officers and Representatives on the call that he needed 5 lapel pins from each Shrine Center. These lapel pins are used on plaques for our special guests, Shrine Center of the Year award, and for those who go above and beyond the call of duty to make our meetings both enjoyable and memorable. These plaques will be presented at the Fall Business meeting and will make nice presentation gifts.  Ill Sir Ratliff needs the pins to be mailed to him as soon as convenience allows.

Ill Sir Ratliff presented the Membership Report for the previous year. Oleika Shriners had loss 13.08% and had suffered the greatest loss by percentage. Alee Shriners had a loss of 1.01% and had suffered the least by percentage. Overall, our membership for all SASA Temples went down by 5.93% and we ended up with 34,068 Shriners in our member Temples as of December of 2020.

President Juergens then called upon 3rd Vice President, Ill Sir Thornton Holt, Jr., to present the Finance and Audit Report. Ill Sir Holt reported after reviewing the financial records of the South Atlantic Shrine Association, the Bank accounts match up with the spreadsheets provided by the Secretary/Treasurer and all appear to be in proper order based on all facts and figures submitted.  A motion was made and properly seconded to approve the audit report as presented, and the vote was unanimous.

President Juergens called on the 5th Vice President, Ill Sir Len Noble to present the Credential Committee report. Ill Sir Noble reported we had 7 SASA officers present. We have 5 Past Presidents, 4 Imperial officers, 139 representatives, 2 candidates for Imperial Outer Guard and one candidate for Board of Trustees for the Hospital for a total of 158 Shriners participating in the meeting.

President Juergens called on the 1st Vice President, Ill Sir Ralph Calhoun for the Time and Place Committee Report.

2021 Fall Sept 16-19 Myrtle Beach, SC
2022 Spring March 24-26 Charleston, SC
Fall Sept 15-17 Myrtle Beach, SC
2023 Spring March 24-26 Raleigh, NC
Fall Sept 20-24 Myrtle Beach, SC
2024 Spring March 21-24 Richmond, VA
Fall Sept 19-23 Myrtle Beach, SC
A motion was made, with a second to the motion to approve the Time and Place report as presented, and the vote was unanimous.

President Juergens is chairman of the Nominating Committee and he announced the next Shrine Center to place a name in nomination for 5th Vice President is Alee Shrine Center.  We have a resolution from Alee Shriners, signed by the Divan on January 9, 2021, to place Ill Sir Freddie L Humphries as their recommendation for the next 5th VP. This resolution was read at this meeting for information only as Ill Sir Humphries will be voted on at our annual Business meeting in Myrtle Beach in September 2021.

President Juergens invited the candidate for Trustee for the Shriners Hospital Board candidate, Ill Sir Ricky Arrocha, to speak to the members.  We had two Shriners as candidates for Imperial Outer Guard, Ill Sir Ron DeVoll and Ill Sir Tim Forbis, and they were invited to speak to the membership.

President Juergens invited Noble Phil Wade to speak to the group about the Shrine Fundraising Association on what they are doing to help Shrine Temples and Shrine Clubs to help them raise needed funds.

President Juergens asked each Director General for announcements. Noble Rusty Watson gave us an update on our status in Myrtle Beach. He reported all is on target and on plan at this point. He mentioned the support we have from City Council and the Chamber and that it should be an incredibly good year. He spoke briefly about some of the logistics problems in securing space for various units and the liability insurance requirements.  If any of our Associations that operate under the jurisdiction of the South Atlantic Shrine Association and they incur cost either for space for their competition or if that space requires additional limits on the Liability Insurance above what SASA has in place, that unit association will be responsible for the additional cost.

President Juergens asked each appointed official and elected officer for any comments they might wish to offer at this time. Each person offered praise for the efforts to put forth the meeting today and their wishes to see everyone in person in September at our Annual Business meeting and festivities at Myrtle Beach.

President Juergens called on our Director General, Noble Noel Cissel, to proceed with the drawing for parade positions for the Annual Meeting in September 2021 at Myrtle Beach. Noting we have drawn in alphabetical order for years, this year we will draw the Shrine Centers out of a basket and then they would draw for parade positions in the order the Shrine Center is pulled out of the first basket. As each temple was called in order of their name being drawn out of the first basket to draw for parade position out of the second basket. As a result, the following is the parade line up. The number beside each Shrine Center is the number they drew for the step off position in the parade.

Alee 13
Alhambra 11
Amran 7
Beni Kedem 14
El Hasa 18
Hejaz 10
Jamil 4
Jericho 3
Kazim 8
Kerbela 19
Khedive 9
Kosair 1
Nemesis 2
Oasis 6
Oleika 16
Omar 17
Rizpah 12
Sudan 15
Yaarab 5

President Juergens called on Imperial Sir Kenny Craven to speak. Imperial Sir Craven commended us on the meeting and since this is his home Association, he is proud of the work we are doing. He mentioned some new opportunities coming our way in the sports arena that will be announced later. Imperial Sir Cain spoke up to thank us for our continued success and wished us the best going forward. Imperial Sir Bill Bailey spoke to us about the tools available to support membership. Imperial Sir Bailey also spoke about the convention in Houston and encouraged us to attend in July.
After the Imperial Officers spoke, Ill Sir Juergens adjourned the meeting at 12:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,

Donald L Ratliff
SASA Secretary/Treasurer
March 27, 2021
Final 3/29/2021 6:30 p.m.

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